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San Jose Design Coaching

Over the courses of ten weeks, a partner and I worked with 6 directors and senior staff from the Parks and Neighborhood Services Department of San Jose to identify and implement creative ways to address senior isolation in the community.​

We conducted interviews with community members, crafting points of view guided by their stories


From these, we developed and tested two prototypes:

1. San Jose Hears You, a program in which government officials create low-profile stations in public areas (libraries, parks, coffee shops) and initiate spontaneous conversations with the patrons. We found with this program that approximately 50% of participants shared something of deeper significance (beyond a surface-level conversation), often surrounding a personal struggle or failure. 

2. San Jose Connect, a program led by active community center seniors in which members are incentivized to identify and recruit seniors feeling isolated or new to the area to community center programs.

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